Big Brother Canada 9 spotlight: Is Kiefer Collison the ultimate underdog?

Kiefer Collison

As we prepare for the arrival of Big Brother Canada 9 on Global tomorrow night, there is a lot to like about Kiefer Collison. He’s goofy, he’s a family man, and he is proudly representing Haida Gwaii off the coast of British Columbia. It’s always fantastic to have some First Nations representation on the show!

From what we’ve seen so far, Kiefer’s entering this season as an underdog. Crazy as it is to say, he’s older than most other houseguests at 32. He’s also not coming here with a job as a personal trainer or a former athlete — he’s a radio-show host. He’s got the gift of gab, so he better be able to use it on this show!

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Because Kiefer won’t be seen as a competition threat in the early going, his biggest asset will be his friendliness. He comes across as innately likable, personable, and is thrilled with his place in life. He just seems to be a jovial person and that could allow him to make fast friends. He’s going to need that, since he’ll need to overcome being different from a lot of the other houseguests. The majority of them are not parents, and don’t have the same responsibilities at home to think about. Kiefer’s someone who doesn’t mind taking a leadership role, so maybe he can figure out how to be a father-figure of sorts to some people in there (even at such a young age).

Kiefer needs to be aggressive (but not too aggressive), and he need to emphasize that he has value both as a number and a strategist. He could be a target early just because we’ve seen similar houseguests before get on the outside of the numbers. He needs to just keep calm, not freak out, and use his communication skills to the max. He’d be a fantastic winner with his mullet and big personality, but it’s going to take a combination of patience, likability, and making the right move at the right time. We think he’s capable of winning some competitions as the season goes on, so maybe he can utilize that element of surprise.

Related Check out some other Big Brother Canada spotlights

How well do you think Kiefer Collison will do on Big Brother Canada 9?

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This article was written by Jess Carter. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.

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