‘Private Practice’ season 6, episode 9 preview: The search resumes

Private Practice“Private Practice” is proving time and time again this year that they have no problem taking big risks, and the latest example of this very thing is coming in the first promo for Tuesday night’s new episode “I’m Fine.” After all, it would have been very, very easy (and in some ways desired) for the show to have decided to focus in on what happens next with Charlotte and Cooper why setting up this episode. Instead, they are shifting gears and making us look instead at the story of Sheldon.

Ironically, we’re not getting much of this, either, in the video clip. Instead, the primary focus here is on the missing child named Sarah Nelson that first went off the grid a little earlier this season. It’s been a couple of episodes since this story was really addressed, but then again the show has also done a good bit of jumping between various time periods since that time.

So will this story be resolved over the course of the hour? We have a feeling that it will, mostly because there are so many other important plots to get to in between now and the end of the series … including an opportunity for Sheldon to find love with a woman who will appear both in this episode and the finale. Don’t worry, as Charlotte and Cooper will be addressed again in due time. It could be during this episode, but it could also be in one or two down the road. Shonda Rhimes would be very, very cruel to give us nothing else in between now and the finale.

What do you think about this promo? If you want to see what some “Private Practice” stars had to say recently about filming the series finale, you can do so over at the link here.

Photo: ABC

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