‘Shahs of Sunset’ season 2 review: Asa and GG fight over Omid… again
On tonight’s episode of “Shahs of Sunset” GG doesn’t remember much of what happened at the dinner party Asa threw at the restaurant, but MJ is quick to remind her about what happened, including Omid putting his hands up her skirt.
Asa meets up with her mother to discuss her future and her mom hopes that she’ll go back to school and get a “real job” and stop being a Persian Pop Princess.
Lilly meets up with Reza and tells him that she’s nervous to re-meet the group again because the drinking dinner disaster was too much for her, so she passes on going to the BBQ Asa invited everyone to at the dinner.
Mike takes his girlfriend Jessica out on a date, (they’ve been dating a few months) and although she’s not Jewish or Persian, (something his family was hoping for), he doesn’t care. He asks her to come over and meet his family for Shabbat and she says yes.
Asa takes Reza to see a psychic and after his reading he realizes that he needs to stop partying and settle down, but he doesn’t want to. He’s not sure if he wants to settle down with his boyfriend Adam or not. Later when Reza and Adam go to a cooking class together, Reza worries that Adam’s lack of passion sometimes might snuff out his own passion for life.
At the BBQ Reza tells Mike that he needs to leave commercial real estate and come and work with him. Mike is concerned about what MJ will think or feel about the move, but Reza tell shim to “forget MJ” and Mike accepts his offer.
Asa tries to talk to Omid about what happened at the dinner party and he apologizes and tries to explain his behavior. GG jumps in and defends Omid and things quickly get out of hand between GG and Asa. GG tries to explain to Asa that her toast to Omid’s “big nose” affected her in a bad way since she has had a nose job and is sensitive about it. Asa tries to defend her comments and GG tries to start a physical fight with Asa, but MJ pulls GG away from her before anyone gets hurt. Mike and Omid take GG away from the party to try and talk some sense into her, but she isn’t listening and tries to run back to the party to fight Asa again. After GG has been removed from the party, MJ tries to confront Asa about her hurtful comments in the fight with GG and Asa doesn’t think she’s said anything wrong.
Who do are you siding with in the Asa/GG fight? Leave us a comment and tell us who you think is right.
Photo: Bravo