‘How I Met Your Mother’ season 8: Decision on show’s future imminent
Will a “How I Met Your Mother” season 9 happen? Next to the answer to “who is the mother,” this is what viewers (including us) have been losing our minds over ever since the season started up in the fall. This is not an easy decision for anyone involved to make, though; even if all of the actors are indeed interested in returning, there are still a plethora of issues to be worked out including salaries, scheduling, and even extending some other contracts that you would not think about.
As Deadline reports, December is really the month where these decisions need to be made. If 20th Century Fox TV and CBS want to give the show the ending that Craig Thomas and Carter Bays have planned out, they need to make some decisions pretty soon on whether or not they want to have a ninth and final season, or if this is going to be the end. “House” was in a similar position on Fox last year, and they ultimately made the choice to end the Hugh Laurie show in enough time that an appropriate conclusion could be reached.
At this very moment, it is difficult to see what the problem for renewing the show could be. The ratings have been down this year, but seems to be thanks more to “The Voice” than anything else, as CBS’ entire lineup has dropped in numbers. Even with that, “How I Met Your Mother” still is a solid performer, and the cast has all expressed at least some sort of interest in returning; while Jason Segel has been a little less vocal at times, he said that he is on board with making sure the story is seen through.
Would you be okay with “How I Met Your Mother” ending this season, or do you think it needs to return next year, even for just 13 episodes to tie together the story? If you want to watch a preview for Monday night’s installment, you can do so over at the link here.
Photo: CBS
December 10, 2012 @ 11:52 am
Personally I think the show should have ended awhile ago. I find Ted annyoing because he wants to be married so bad. he would marry anything. He has mad so many mistakes and the writers have writen so many romatic moments for him and women that he has not ended up with. Then there is Robin and Barney who basically act like 5th graders and like achother but do nothing. But worst of all was Ted back sliding and saying he still was in love with Robin. Since then I have missed the show and not minded. I can only stand Lily and Marshal. Both Barney and Ted wanting Robin is very high school, but then again these people are not that mature. Barney has changed alot of Robin, the writers need to make her do something BIG for him. Because they way she is writen is annoying and selfish. But I am sure they were going for hot and cool.
December 9, 2012 @ 9:05 pm
December 9, 2012 @ 9:04 pm
December 9, 2012 @ 1:32 pm
I have a great idea for the show. ME!!!! i will be the mother. im perfect for it. As a natural really! I would bake for him, buy him gifts etc.
Young, pretty, good career . Shady past stories that could be used!!
Slightly annoying, Ted doesn’t want to talk to be my bf until he almost looses me so until then doesn’t give me much attention. doesn’t really find someone else. after a time of dating a year or 8 months or something seeing each other once a week!! ii that i get really sick and i stop the interest in Ted. He realizes how great i was and never wants to let me go because loosing me would be the worst thing ever!
i cute homely loveable annoying ambitious, adventurous. i would be perfect xoxo
Kristie Nachelle Lee
In high school i made my drama teacher speechless with my monolog of Joan of Arc and my class gave me a standing ovation!!
My teacher spoke with me after and said i was a natural and that someday if i pursued acting i would be successful.
Thank you for your time and concideration. It would be very realistic and relatable.