‘Elementary’ season 1, episode 9 preview: Illness doesn’t keep Holmes from work
On last week’s episode of “Elementary” we got a closer look at just how far Watson and Holmes’ relationship has developed as she tried numerous times to find a sponsor for him since her time as a sober companion is almost up and he thwarted every attempt she made. was it because Holmes doesn’t want a sponsor or is it because he’s become comfortable with Watson and would prefer her to stay on if she can?
On tonight’s episode of “Elementary” called “You Do It To Yourself” a very sick Holmes tries to ignore his illness and goes to work on an investigation concerning a college professor’s murder. Watson will receive a phone call from an old flame who will want her help on something (on what we don’t know yet) and as we’ve seen in the past, whenever Watson has a man skulking around her (for whatever the reason) Holmes has to find a way to make himself part of the equation.
A new episode of “Elementary” will air tonight at 10 p.m. on CBS, but if you can’t wait until then and want to check out a sneak peek, then take a look at the video below and see if Holmes’ intuitions are still spot on even though he is sicker then a dog.
Want more “Elementary” news? Be sure to check out some new photos from episode 10 (The Leviathan) where Holmes will be meeting Watson’s parents for the first time.
Photo: CBS
December 16, 2012 @ 3:15 pm
some of the music played on this show is really nice but the credits are never shown so the viewers can not find out who played the music