Power Book II: Ghost episode 8 promo: Is Jabari learning Tariq’s secret?
At the moment, it’s clear already that Jabari is onto Tariq. He’s been watching him, following him, and then stealing some of his work and claiming it as his own. He also thought for a while that he was sleeping with Carrie, which mostly just seemed to be manifested in his mind out of either jealousy or just paranoia.
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The truth here is that Jabari isn’t exactly the most likable character on the show — he’s manipulative, desperate for success, and he puts himself on a pedestal. It feels like we have a sense of where things are going right now — Tariq could turn in his assignment from this past episode, where he tells a personal relationship-based story. From there, Jabari uses that for his book, and the proceeds to follow Tariq around to get more information. He then learns about CourseCorrect and everything else Tariq is doing, but then in turn Tariq learns that Jabari is plagiarizing him. The two could come up with some sort of arrangement where they keep one another’s secret — we at least need for there to be some more fluidity with some of these stories.
As for what else is coming, let’s just note that you should continue to be very worried about Cane. We feel like eventually, he’s going to act out towards Tariq, or anyone else who hurts his own position or value.
What do you want to see when it comes to Power Book II: Ghost episode 8?
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