Power Book II: Ghost episode 7 spoilers: Tariq’s next chapter
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The first thing that’s worth noting here is the title: “Sex Week.” What in the world does that mean in the context of the show? That’s something that we’re going to have to figure out, but the titles are often tied into the story.
Meanwhile, it’s clear at this point that Tariq has his back against the wall. That started moving into episode 6, but one of the things this show has been trying to do is test Michael Rainey Jr.’s character. It’s been somewhat of a slow burn, but he can’t put the toothpaste out of the tube when it comes to the target on his back. Tasha even caught wind at the end of tonight’s episode that Davis was asking some surprisingly-pointed questions about him in the middle of 2-Bit’s testimony. What gives with that?
There are only four more episodes this season following this weekend — that means that just about everything is going to have to ratchet up at rapid pace. Be sure to prepare yourself accordingly. (We’re certainly worried about Cane now…)
Related News – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Power Book II: Ghost right now
What do you most want to see when it comes to Power Book II: Ghost episode 7?
Is there any one storyline that you are enjoying the most? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Meanwhile, be sure to stick around for some other news on the show. (Photo: Starz.)