Power Book II: Ghost episode 6 spoilers: What’s next for Monet?
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So what can you expect to see from Mary J. Blige’s character of Monet moving forward? We know that a good bit of her story is still going to be about training her family, and working in order to ensure that her kids are ready for whatever comes their way. If there is one concern she seems to have about them more than any other, it’s whether or not they are tough enough to handle the world around them. To a certain extent, we get that — as Monet explains in a new Entertainment Weekly sneak peek, her kids may not have worked enough. They don’t understand fully the rigors of the world since they’ve been brought up as a part of an empire.
To a certain extent, this may be why Monet is willing to take Tariq somewhat under her wing. While he did grow up with wealth and success around him, he’s also gone through significant adversity — his mom is in prison for the murder of his father. That’s a lot for someone to take in, and he’s having to make money to survive and fund her trial. Monet may show some care towards him, but that doesn’t mean she trusts him fully. Seeing that relationship develop could be one of the most interesting parts of the second half of this season.
Related News – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Power Book II: Ghost episode 6
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