Big Brother 22 All-Stars finale preview: What to currently expect
So what are some of the big ones? Where do they begin? Well, let’s start with the game itself. You’ll see Part 2 of the final Head of Household (won by Cody), and then the final part featuring Cody and Nicole squaring off against each other.
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What will each person do if they win? That is where the mystery still lies. At the moment, we don’t have a particularly clear answer. In the event that Cody wins, we do think there’s a chance that he takes Enzo — though he may think he has a better chance versus Nicole. He may think that nobody really respects Nicole’s game, whereas Enzo is at least a great social player. Nicole, meanwhile, has a longtime history with Cody and we don’t see any evidence she will take Enzo. There’s time for things to change but ultimately, we don’t have all that much in the way of campaigning to report. Enzo could be doing more, but we think that he is worried about making Cody mad in the event that Nicole spreads the word around.
Beyond the final three, it does appear like we’re going to have another couple of segments with the jury, and then also at least something more with the pre-jurors judging from what Julie said at the end of the finale.
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