Power Book II: Ghost episode 6 theory: Is Davis playing Saxe?
Yet, here is the twist — is it possible that Davis is agreeing to “work with Saxe” just to screw him over later? Can he save both Tasha and also Tariq, and does he have any incentive to do that? Because he’s a new character, we don’t really know all that much about him just yet.
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Nonetheless, within this article we’re here to present our case both for and against the idea that Davis is out to betray Saxe in the end.
The case for this theory being true – We know that there’s very little that Davis wants more than fame — and no doubt, freeing Tasha and getting Tariq arrested could do that. Yet, this is probably just a fraction of the fame Davis could accumulate if he’s able to turn the tables and get a US Attorney like Saxe arrested. Just think about what the potential blowback would be and how this would course through the entire news media.
The case for this theory being false – Davis may not be thinking that far ahead at the moment. If he’s the sort of person who tends to just take on one challenge at a time, his primary goal right now may just be working to ensure that he can extract information from him. If it means Tariq going to jail, so be it. He still gets paid. We don’t think Davis will do anything to risk his own reputation for the sake of helping Tariq if it comes to that.
Related News – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Power Book II: Ghost right now
What do you want to see coming on Power Book II: Ghost episode 6?
Do you think it’s possible that Davis is playing Saxe to some degree? Be sure to share right now in the comments! Also, remember to keep coming back for some other news. (Photo: Starz.)