Big Brother 22 All-Stars live feed spoilers: Final 4 Veto preview

Big Brother

Today in the Big Brother 22 All-Stars house, some important stuff is going down. The final four Veto Competition is taking place, and this could prove to be the most important competition of the season for a number of reasons.

Let’s start here by mapping out some of what we know right now: Enzo is Head of Household, securing his place in the final three. Nicole and Christmas are currently on the block, not that this matters all that much. The Veto winner is who controls the next eviction — unless it’s Enzo. In that case, he decides who is going to be safe and, with that, who is going to vote. The big question there is if he’s willing to risk Cody being evicted in order to try to get Christmas to evict Nicole.

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As it stands, we know that it’s Christmas’ hope to evict Cody. Meanwhile, both Cody and Nicole seemingly want Christmas out. Yet, if Nicole wins today, will she at least think about evicting Cody? We think that you have to, given that this is a move that will ensure that she is able to win the game at the end of the season.

It’s hard to say for certain what the Veto will be today, but typically it has something to do with remembering key events from the season. If you can do that, you have a real chance of securing your safety and ensuring you go up against the right competition in the end.

Related News Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Big Brother and the live feeds!

What do you want to see with the Big Brother 22 Power of Veto today?

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