Power Book II: Ghost video: A spotlight on David MacLean

Power Book II: Ghost season 1

Who is Davis MacLean moving into Power Book II: GhostLet’s just say he’s a pivotal person in all that could transpire for Tariq St. Patrick.

The video HERE does a good job of setting up Method Man’s character and what he brings to the table. He’s a high-powered defense attorney, and someone who Tariq knows he’s going to need on his side in order to free his mother. What’s one of the big challenges here? It’s as simple as trying to find a way in order to pay for his services. Tariq doesn’t have access to all of his father’s money as of yet and with that in mind, he’s going to need to be resourceful.

To be specific, he may need to balance being a student with them also getting fully into the game.

To get some more news on Power Book II: Ghost in video form, be sure to watch the latest at the bottom of this article! Once you check that out, be sure to subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube and then also view our show playlist. We’ll have more news before the premiere early next month.

One of the things that we know moving into Power Book II: Ghost is that Tariq is going to be working under Mary J. Blige’s character of Monet, the ruler of her own personal drug empire. In order to get money for Davis, this may be his only option. We don’t know if MacLean really cares all that much how he gets the money — he just wants to get it. Odds are, he’s aware of how high the stakes are and what he’s going to have to do in order to get the job done.

Of course, let’s be prepared for some more twists and turns every single step of the way…

Related News Be sure to get some further news when it comes to Power Book II: Ghost right now

What do you most want to see from Davis MacLean on Power Book II: Ghost when it premieres?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Also, remember to stick around for some other news on the series. (Photo: Starz.)

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