Big Brother 22 All-Stars live feed spoilers: Week 3 Veto winner!

Big Brother 20

Who won the Power of Veto within the Big Brother 22 All-Stars house this week? We expected this competition to be competitive — it’s hard for it not to be when you have someone like Janelle taking part! We know that she is fierce and will do virtually whatever it takes to get the victory at the end.

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Of course, there were some viable contenders standing in her way. In the event you did not know, Janelle was joined in the competition today by fellow nominee Kaysar, Head of Household Tyler, and then also Memphis, Bayleigh, and Cody. It wasn’t the worst draw in the world for Janelle/Kaysar, given that Bayleigh and Memphis theoretically had no reason to try that hard in order to win this.

In the end, the Veto winner was … Cody! What this means is, of course, he’s safe for the week, but that the nominations will also stay the same. It seems like now, the remainder of the week will be spent trying to determine which one of these two ends up going. It may be Janelle, but we’ll have to take a wait-and-see approach on that. There is a feeling that if Kaysar is by himself, he may not be able to do anything and could spin very much out of control.

Related NewsBe sure to get some more news when it comes to Big Brother 22 right now!

What do you think about the Veto winner this week in the Big Brother 22 house?

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