Blue Bloods season 11: Will the episodes look a little bit different?
If you did not know already, New York has opened the doors for some productions to start getting back to work, albeit with a number of regulations. One of the biggest ones for this show is that you can’t have actors wearing police uniforms in public places. In other words, Blue Bloods can’t exactly do any scenes featuring its characters on the street sporting uniforms and badges.
What position does this leave the show in? They could wait until some of the restrictions change, but there’s no real timetable on that. Or, they could just find some ways to work around it and focus on some different sides of police work. More than likely, they will go with the latter.
In general, we anticipate that Blue Bloods will be more character-based in the early going in season 11, and focus less on chase sequences or officers on the street. Instead, it could be about issues that arise in precincts, or problems that characters are going through in their real lives. There will be fewer extras and likely fewer moments featuring characters in close proximity to one other. In the end, it’s all really about accommodating to the environment.
Blue Bloods also has to figure out how much they want to adhere to the current environment of the world today. If they do want to paint a picture that is accurate of the world in 2020, it would at least explain further the distance between characters and so many other precautions.
What do you think Blue Bloods season 11 is going to look like on CBS?
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(Photo: CBS.)
This article was written by Jessica Carter.