World of Dance sneak peek: MDC 3 perform in the Duels

World of Dance

A new World of Dance episode is slated to air on NBC tomorrow night, and we’ve got a new sneak peek that is all sorts of fire.

Listen, we knew that MDC 3 were great even before seeing their latest performance. Yet, there is something about seeing them again that allows them to rise to the next level. They are just so consistently strong in what they do that it has to make you eager to see more of them.

What’s also so unique about the performance that the trio give here is just that they continue directly the story that they brought to the dance floor previously. It can be hard sometimes to maintain that level of continuity, but they did that. Not only that, but they did so effectively and managed to bring another cool conclusion to their story. We think that they’re going to have a good chance of pressing onward and making a real name for themselves in this competition.

If there is one thing that especially stands out from this preview, it’s the crowd reaction. It’s exciting that you see and hear SO much love coming from the audience throughout every moment of this. It shows further that they are respected among their peers, who understand the difficulty that goes into some of the moves that they pull off.

We’ll be the first to admit that at this point, it can be hard for a contemporary routine to impress us. We’ve seen so many of them over the years! But, MDC 3 completely killed this and we’re excited to see whatever they have coming up next. Also, are they going to be able to continue the story again? Another great question…

Related NewsBe sure to get some more news when it comes to World of Dance right now

What do you want to see from MDC 3 on World of Dance tomorrow night?

Are they one of your favorite dancers on the series? Be sure to share right now in the comments! Also, remember to stick around to get some more news on the series. (Photo: NBC.)

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