Snowpiercer season 1 finale: That Alexandra Cavill reveal…
Well, in the closing minutes of the episode tonight, those questions emerged as Layton, Ruth, and everyone else aboard the train had to stop everything and wait. None of their classes or identifications mattered when they would all soon be dead. They just had to wait and see who was going to be waiting for them on the other side. Was it Mr. Wilford? He certainly did not come in person to demand the train’s surrender.
Instead, the person who did turn up is rather important: Alexandra. As in, Alexandra Cavill. The adult daughter of Melanie has now entered the picture! Melanie doesn’t quite know this yet, but this is going to be the setup for the second season as these characters face so many unknown variables and have to contend quite possibly with new structures, different rules, and no ultimate understanding as to what is going to happen to them. There is a lot that could be unraveling due to this arrival.
For Melanie, this reveal of course could be a game-changer when it comes to what she did in the past — her choices got her to where she was in this episode. Yet, Alexandra could cause her to reflect on all of that … and that’s without even getting into how Alexandra may feel about her mother.
In between the expansion of this world and a very important, personal connection, Snowpiercer did its job in the final episode of the season. It’s at least given us something to think about throughout this hiatus.
Related News – Be sure to get some more news on Snowpiercer, including some season 2 expectations
What did you think about the events, start to finish, of the Snowpiercer season 1 finale?
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