Big Brother 21 couple Jackson Michie, Holly Allen break up

Jackson Michie

We know that a lot of people out there are waiting for news on Big Brother 22 — but today, we come with news on a Big Brother 21 couple. After being together from last summer onward, Jackson Michie and Holly Allen have broken up.

Both Jackson (the show’s reigning champion) and Holly confirmed the news today in respective posts on Instagram, asking for privacy while giving a simple reason why the relationship ended: It’s just not working out. We know that at the end of season 21, there were plenty of people saying that they would never even make it this far. There were controversies aplenty surrounding Jackson both during and after the season, and their relationship was tumultuous and full of fighting on a number of occasions.

In that sense, they made it further as a couple outside of the game — much further, even, than some other couples. “Showmances” have become a fairly iconic part of Big Brother over the years — the series has actually produced more couples than a number of dating-based reality shows. Think in terms of Jeff and Jordan, Brendon and Rachel, and Daniele and Dominic. Or, think more recently about Swaggy and Bayleigh or Tyler and Angela.

Neither Jackson nor Holly are considered frontrunners to be appearing on next season — that doesn’t mean for sure that they won’t be there, but we have a feeling CBS wants to get away from some of the drama of season 21. There are new horizons coming, and ones that could be much more focus on the game.

What do you think about Jackson and Holly breaking up?

Be sure to share right now in the comments. Meanwhile, stick around for more coverage of the show this summer. (Photo: CBS.)

This article was written by Jessica Carter. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.


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I’d much rather keep certain life updates to myself, but I understand that I put my personal life in the spotlight because I chose to play a game last summer that just so happened to be on television. Full transparency – the publicity been weird to navigate. But so many of you have been immensely wonderful and supportive and I appreciate you more than I think I can ever express. So for that, I feel like I owe you this. It’s not easy, so please bear with me. Here goes! A year ago I started a wild new adventure. Today, I start another adventure. Growth is sometimes hard, but necessary. Growth sometimes happens alone. And that’s what I’ll be doing. Yes, I’ve had the opportunity to meet a person to conquer life with for a while. Yes, I had an amazing partner in that game I played. And I wouldn’t change the experiences for the world. But some things are not meant to go beyond that. Sometimes fundamental character traits simply don’t line up. Priorities don’t match. And that’s ok. This past year has been the hardest to date and has taught me about sense of self, security in who I am, and what I want for my future. I know I cannot compromise my own integrity. I know that I’m proud of myself, my accomplishments, and my roots. I know the spirit and the inspiration that I look for in people I surround myself with. I know what I deserve. And I’m excited for this new chapter and where it will lead me. Right now, I’m hurting. But hey, pain is only temporary. Thank you all for going through the ups and downs with me! And please. I know we’ve been forced to go through this publicly, but we are human. We hurt and we bleed. Please try to spare the criticism. And don’t worry, I’ll always be Sahara’s mom. Nobody can take that away from me. Now buckle up, future. I’m comin’ for ya!

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Life works in crazy ways, and this past year has been no exception. Through the ups, the downs, the highs, and the lows.. there has been one constant through it all and that‘s the amazing woman standing next to me. Life has continued to work in ways neither of expected, and sadly life will be taking us in different directions. This isn’t because of bad actions or words, rather, two people who deeply love each other recognizing that a relationship may not be for the best. I said it on the show and I will say it always, I love her and she will forever hold a special place in my heart. This post is something that neither of us wanted to share, but given the circumstances of our relationship and how things started it only seems appropriate to offer an answer once and for all. Please respect our wishes for privacy on the matter and understand that we are both going through significant life changes and monumental events in our individual lives separate from this. We love our supporters, we love big brother, and we couldn’t be more thankful for everyone along the way who has stood behind us and helped us forward. Day 75 holls. Always.

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