Outlander video: See Caitriona Balfe, Sam Heughan Emmy ‘panel’
Today, stars Sam Heughan and Caitriona Balfe joined executive producer Matthew B. Roberts for a Deadline virtual panel talking all about season 5 of the series. This is the sort of thing that would typically be done in-person; yet, for rather-obvious reasons it was all remote as the three opened up about their experiences working on the show.
At the forefront of much of the conversation, especially in the early going, was the season 5 finale entitled “Never My Love.” This is an episode that was emotionally devastating for Claire Fraser, and it’s not something that can be forgotten about anytime soon. Roberts discussed the process of handling this delicate story, while then Balfe and Heughan spoke about it from an acting and preparation standpoint. The work of everyone in that installment was extraordinary; after all, it was not an easy story to bring to light.
Beyond just the finale, there were all sorts of other topics that the trio went over. Think in terms of costuming, memorable moments from the season, and the influence that Sam and Caitriona brought to the table as producers. It’s something that they enjoy as collaborators, and they also have a wealth of knowledge that they can tap into. It’s important that people who have been there from the beginning help to continue to drive the story and keep the spirit of the show intact.
If you love all things Outlander from a craft perspective, we can’t recommend this particular panel enough. Hopefully, it also gets the attention of some awards-show voters who could be watching out there.
What do you want to see when it comes to this Outlander panel?
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Photo: Starz