‘The X Factor’ USA notes: Emblem3, Khloe Kardashian, L.A. Reid

The X Factor LogoBefore we dive too deep into Wednesday night’s new episode of “The X Factor” USA, we have some stories to share from across the web that should get just about everyone into the celebratory mood … well, at least the latter two. Let’s start off with the scary news first and get it out of the way.

A Khloe Kardashian scare – Whenever you are a divisive personality, someone out there decides to do the inane trick and try to scare people into thinking that you are going to kill them by sending them anthrax in the mail. This was done to Bristol Palin during both of her “Dancing with the Stars’ stints, and now the latest victim of this here is none other than Khloe Kardashian.

TMZ reports that a suspicious white package was sent today to the CBS lot where the hit Fox reality show tapes its new episodes, and that the FBI was quickly brought in to deal with the situation. The good news is that the powder was quickly found to be harmless, but these sort of antics still have to stop. It’s scary; it’s not funny, and if you really want Khloe off the show, just don’t watch it: there’s no better indicator of something not working out than a loss of viewership. (We actually think that Khloe was better last week working backstage, away from the awful restraints of the teleprompter.)

L.A. Reid hits up “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” – Now, back to some fun stuff. Jimmy gives L.A. some grief in the video below from Monday’s edition of the late-night show, including his freakout when he first learned he would be working with the Overs. Reid also jokes that he is still haunted by letting go of Lady Gaga before she became a star.



Emblem 3, Fifth Harmony are “thankful” – Finally, check out the clip below to see what many of the contestants and judges of the show love most about Thanksgiving, and what they are the most thankful for. For some silly reason, producers deemed it appropriate to air a results show on a night when no one will be watching. Our solution: premiere this show a few weeks earlier in the year, and then either take this week off or just have a performance show on Wednesday with the votes counting towards the following week.


Just in case you missed our “X Factor” USA rankings from a little earlier in the week, you can find them up over at the link here.

X Factor News

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