Big Brother 22: What is a realistic time-frame for premiere?
Yet, at the same exact time, it’s also not something that can just flip a switch and air on CBS tomorrow. Even if it has a shorter turnaround time than most series, the current health crisis does dictate challenges. Take, for example, finalizing the cast in the event that you have a season full of returning players. Then, you have to put them through some sort of quarantine period — reports indicate it could be 14 days, at least, and that seems about right. That goes along with everything else sequester-related you need to do in the early going, and also ensuring that you have the proper health regulations for all of the crew. That ensures their safety, and also that of the houseguests.
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The best-case scenario that we’re thinking about with all of this in mind is something like this. Over the next few weeks, a cast can be finalized and from there, enter sequester in preparations of a season. Following that, we could see the house prepared and the season mapped out with whatever additional restrictions are needed. Remember that film and TV production cannot even begin until later this week, at the earliest — nobody has been able to touch the house and it will need a full redesign.
Unless Big Brother finds some miraculous way to quarantine a cast soon, the earliest we could see them sending people into the house is mid-July, with a premiere at some point within the final ten or eleven days of that month. We feel like we’re still roughly a month and a half away, give or take, from a season starting … and that’s if everything moves perfectly. August is feasible, and remember that the season could also just run late depending on what happens with CBS’ fall schedule.
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When do you think Big Brother 22 could premiere on CBS?
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