Big Brother 22: Ten players CBS may consider for ‘all-star’ season

Big Brother 21

Odds are, you’ve heard the rumors that Big Brother 22 could be an all-star season. What does that lead to? More than anything else, chatter about who some of the players could be!

Within this piece, we want to focus on ten people who CBS is likely considering on some level to come back. Note that this isn’t a casting wishlist; some of the following people we’d be interested in seeing again. Some others, not so much. These are just people we can imagine CBS circling for one reason or another, and not all of them fit an all-star theme just because there’s no guarantee that they’ll even use that label. We also go over more than just these ten names in the video below. Once you watch, be sure to subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube and then view our show playlist.

Tyler Crispen – It’s a no-brainer that he will be asked. One of the most dominant players from season 20 and someone who very well could have won the game … were it not for Kaycee also being there.

Kaycee Clark – Are they too much of a guaranteed alliance going in? Maybe, but we have to imagine both of them are going to be considered.

Nicole Anthony – The most popular player from season 21 by and large, and someone with a genuine love of the game. She’s the sort of casting who would get people excited almost right away.

Kemi Fakunle – She’s incredibly popular, and certainly deserves a chance at another chance after being unfairly targeted and treated terribly throughout most of her first time in the house.

Elissa Slater – Out of everyone on the very controversial season 15, she seems by and large to be the one person we can see CBS asking.

Paul Abrahamian – We’re not saying that we want him back, but given how he’s an extremely recognizable player and CBS tends to court casual viewers, it feels almost inevitable.

Josh Martinez – You could say something similar here, but will Big Brother want to bring on board a noted Challenge player? We know that it’s probably not an issue corporate-wise given the CBS – Viacom merger.

John “Johnny Mac” McGuire – Whether or not he is interested is unclear, but the season 17 alum feels like one of the most popular players to not come back for another season.

Jodi Rollins – She never got a chance to play, and if CBS is looking for recent people who deserve a second chance you can easily include her.

Eric Stein – America’s Player from season 8 and an incredibly entertaining houseguest. He’s probably a fringe candidate but we can’t help but hope for it.

Related News Be sure to get some more news and discussion when it comes to Big Brother

Who do you want to see on Big Brother 22?

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