Queen of the South season 5: Could it still premiere this year?

Queen of the South season 4 art

If you are looking for Queen of the South season 5 to premiere on USA in the coming weeks, you are going to be disappointed. At this point, we’d be shocked if the show comes back this summer at all.

With this in mind, we don’t want to spend too much time in this particular article talking about whether or not the show will be back in June, July, or August. We want to discuss further whether or not the show will be back in 2020 at all.

Do we want to be hopeful? Absolutely, but the truth is that we’re still facing an uncertain reality. We’re sure that the producers are preparing guidelines to ensure that the set will be as safe as possible when production resumes, but that may not be for many more months. Filming was underway on the season before the health crisis forced them to shut down, so it’s not as though the cast and crew are starting from scratch. There are some episodes that have already been filmed, and there are some advance scripts that have already been written. They have a little bit of groundwork that they can work from.

If filming can get back on track this fall, we do think that there is a roadmap for Queen of the South to be able to get back on the air before the end of the year. Having some episodes in the can helps with that, but it’s really going to come down to whether or not USA is going to be interested in bringing the show back. They’ll make the major programming decisions in the end, no matter when filming wraps up.

No matter when Queen of the South returns to filming, remember this — the show will be coming back for more episodes. Nothing has been canceled. Instead, it has simply been pushed back. There is a lot to look forward to still.

Related News Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Queen of the South

When do you think Queen of the South season 5 is going to be on the air?

Be sure to share right now in the comments below! Meanwhile, be sure to stick around in the event you want some other news on the series. (Photo: USA.)

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