The Flash season 7: Could Red Death be the next Big Bad?
Let’s start with the comic-book origins of the character, as Red Death is a version of Bruce Wayne merged with the Flash and a darkened connection to the Speed Force. He’s an incredibly dangerous foe, as you would anticipate since you’re basically talking about an evil version of Batman merged with The Flash.
We know, thanks to The Flash Museum in the future, that Red Death eventually becomes a part of this world … or did. Because of alterations to the timeline and then also Crisis on Infinite Earths taking down the multiverse, we suppose that it’s possible this character never happens. But, it is very interesting that Batwoman just introduced the face of Bruce Wayne played by Warren Christie placed onto Hush’s body … especially when it’s possible that something could happen to the real Bruce Wayne. He is MIA on Batwoman, but maybe he shows up on The Flash in a completely unexpected manner.
Or, it’s also certainly possible that Red Death could end up being a different version of the character for the show, one that is a combination of the Reverse-Flash and another character. Or, they could be someone totally original … but we think that this character is most effective if there’s a perception they were once good. We can’t see them being too attached to Barry since you would want Barry to do battle with them. Nonetheless, we don’t think you can plant a character like Red Death on a show like this and expect viewers to forget about it. It may not be easy to pull off, but the end result could be very much satisfying.
For now, though, The Flash season 7 is going to have to pick things up by finishing what they started with Eva. She’s still the Big Bad, though we would assume some parts of that story would be wrapped up within the first few episodes.
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Do you want to see Red Death be The Flash season 7 Big Bad?
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