Is Last Week Tonight new tonight on HBO, May 10, 2020?

Last Week Tonight

Is Last Week Tonight new tonight on HBO? We’re always here to provided an answer to that question given how confusing things can be…

For now, let’s go ahead and get some of the news out there for you — there is a new episode that is airing on the network tonight. You don’t have to worry about waiting around for more, and there is something very much worth celebrating about that in an era where so many other programs are starting and stopping. Also, let’s face it — we need John Oliver right now to give us some collective escapism from everything that is going on within the outside world.

Now that we’ve spelled that out, let’s go ahead and get to the next order of business — identifying when the show is actually airing. Just remember here that there have been a lot of delays with this show over the years. Luckily, the show has already indicated that tonight’s new episode is going to be airing starting at 11:02 p.m. Eastern time, meaning that you’re not going to be stuck waiting for a while to check things out.

As for what’s you are going to be expecting to see tonight, we would anticipate a larger discussion about the current health crisis — but then also beyond that maybe some more conversation about the election itself. We know that Oliver hasn’t spoken all that much about that as of late, but we do think that it will be come back front and center before too long. Oliver has mentioned wanting to have more conversations around Joe Biden and his campaign (or at least some headline-making parts of it), so we will have more opportunities to see how that is explored in due time. Maybe it will be tonight, or at least some other point down the road.

Related News Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Last Week Tonight right now

What do you want to see discussed on the latest Last Week Tonight with John Oliver episode?

Be sure to share right away in the comments! Also, remember here to stick around in the event you want some other news. (Photo: HBO.)

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