Blindspot season 5 spoilers: Why is Rob Brown leaving?


The Blindspot season 5 premiere was rather successful when it comes to delivering a lot of excitement. Yet, there was a sad twist. After all, the character of Edgar Reade was confirmed as dead in the explosion. It’s not something that we loved, but it’s also something that we understand for story reasons. You want to kickstart a season with an epic twist.

For some more news on Blindspot in video form, then be sure to check out the latest on the premiere below! After you do that, be sure to subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube and then also view our series playlist.

Yet, there are a few more twists and turns that are coming down the road here. Speaking in a new interview with TVLine, here is what executive producer Martin Gero had to say about why Rob Brown is departing the show — it had to do with “business reasons” mostly, but then also some creative reasons mixed in:

There were some business reasons why we needed to probably lose a lead character this season, and that started driving the conversation. And then creatively, we started to talk about who that would need to be. What would impact the story in a great way for the last season? As you get deeper into the season, I think you’ll see why it needed to be Reade for a bunch of reasons. His death plants a seed that ripples off into a bunch of amazing stories that we couldn’t necessarily do if someone else died. And they’re such a great cast. Everyone that was in the building that exploded came to me between seasons and was like, “Listen, if it’s me [who gets killed off], I totally get it. Let’s just make it cool.” Rob couldn’t have been more gracious about it. And this is a mild spoiler, but this isn’t the last we’ll see of Rob on Blindspot. The character is very much dead; it’s not a misdirect or anything. But we’re a show that occasionally does flashbacks, so he’ll still be a part of the season.

The silver lining is at the end of the quote — you are still going to be seeing Reade play a role during the season. Still, it’s devastating that he and Zapata don’t get a happy ending together after everything that they did to get to each other before the explosion happened. We hope his memory is honored, and they do some cool stuff to showcase him throughout the remainder of the season.

Ultimately, having his death impact the story for the rest of the season seems to be the best way to ensure that he’s not forgotten.

Related News Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Blindspot, including more news on what’s ahead

What did you think about the events of tonight’s Blindspot season 5 premiere?

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