Station 19 season 3 episode 14 video: Ben, Sullivan have it out

Station 19

Are you set for Station 19 season 3 episode 14 to air on ABC tonight? We’re two weeks removed from the last new episode and there is a lot to unpack.

Take, for example, some of the aftermath of Andy and Sullivan’s wedding. As much as we like the two of them, can we go ahead and say that their marriage wasn’t altogether cleared. Because of the way it aired on Pruitt’s last episode, it wasn’t clear if it was a fantasy or a flashback. As it turns out, it was the latter — the two are legitimately married and there are going to be some interesting reactions to this over the course of the next hour. There will be people at the Station like Jack, but then there are also career questions. At the very least, Andy being married to the Battalion Chief is a little different than the two having just a romantic relationship.

Unfortunately for Sullivan, he’s got some other issues that could also occupy his time in this episode — take, for example, his addiction coming back to hit him hard. He and Ben are going to clash repeatedly over this — because of Ben’s own professional history, he knows what sort of problems this can cause. We anticipate that he is going to be at the forefront of trying to resolve this situation, but it’s going to be something that requires both the willingness of Sullivan and also the right circumstances. Andy will have her own things to focus on within this episode, as she is coming back to work after spending some time mourning the death of her father.

There are only three more episodes left this season — because of this, let’s hope that there are some big reveals at just about every single step of the way.

Related News Be sure to get some more news when it comes to the next Station 19 episode!

What do you want to see when it comes to Station 19 season 3 episode 19?

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