The Bachelor: Listen to Your Heart: Bekah & Danny eliminated

Listen to your Heart

Tonight on The Bachelor: Listen to Your Heartwe had a different sort of rose ceremony. It became a little bit less about contestants sending each other home. Instead, it was more about the judges voting to send someone home. Jason Mraz and Kesha were on the show tonight alongside Jordan Rodgers and JoJo Fletcher. Apparently, doing the show once is enough of a sign that you are a chemistry expert.

We gotta admit that it was a little bit weird seeing Chris Harrison announce everything throughout the process. This was a weird process and totally disjointed. Yet, the entire episode was a little bit strange watching some of these couples hit the stage and perform. We’re not sure that it really worked, mostly because there are so few people/couples that we are truly invested in at this point. We like Sheridan, but Julia? No thanks. Meanwhile, Savannah is a little bit more compelling than Brandon, who told her that she could either be a part of the show or, effectively, go home and cry.

For some more The Bachelor: Listen to Your Heart video news, check out the latest below! Once you do that, subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube and then view our show playlist.

In the end, it came down to Savannah & Brandon facing off against Bekah & Danny … who feel like they’ve had about two seconds of screen time over the course of the entire season so far. The judges opted to keep Savannah & Brandon, which makes sense for the show largely because they were the two who brought legitimate drama to the mix.

Side note: Danny looks like a young Ryan Seacrest. They got a date tonight, only for the two of them to go out the door minutes later. Can’t say that we’ll miss them, mostly because we barely remember them while writing this. It’s not all their fault given that the editors couldn’t be bothered to show them for most of the season.

Related News Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Listen to Your Heart now

What did you think about tonight’s The Bachelor: Listen to Your Heart?

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This article was written by Jessica Carter. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.

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