American Horror Story season 10 spoilers: Is Rubber Man returning?

American Horror Story season 8

American Horror Story season 10 isn’t premiering for many more months (at the earliest), but there is a lot still to anticipate. Take, for example, the return of a potential fan favorite in Rubber Man.

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In a new post on Instagram, show executive producer Ryan Murphy seemed to confirm that there was at least a chance that you could see this iconic Murder House character back on the show again. We don’t know how else you could really read that. While we know that most seasons of the franchise are their own self-contained story, we know that there are some moments that teeter on nostalgic.

The only other way we could potentially read what we’re seeing here is that it’s some sort of reference to some recent re-watches that have been done for Murder House … but it does feel like there’s something more going on. We think it’s the perfect way to get people excited about the upcoming season even though we are so far away from the premiere.

(Beyond a possible Rubber Man return, the other thing we still remain the most intrigued by is the role that is coming for Macauley Culkin. We still don’t have any idea who he’s going to play, so that’s another mystery we’re left to linger on for a good while.)

Related News Be sure to get some more information on American Horror Story moving forward

What do you want to see when it comes to American Horror Story season 10?

Be sure to share right now in the comments! Meanwhile, remember to stick around in the event you want some other news on the series. (Photo: FX.)

This article was written by Jessica Carter. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.


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