Homeland series finale: Mandy Patinkin sets up what’s ahead

The Homeland series finale is set to air on Showtime this weekend, so go ahead and prepare for all of the emotions. We’re in the midst of a dark, challenging story that is all about a war … and then also how to stop it. Carrie knows that she needs the black box in order to try to prove that the helicopter crash was an accident. That may very well be the only path forward … though in order to get it, she may need to kill Saul Berenson. This is about as dark of an ending as you could possibly imagine for the series, but that’s probably one of the reasons why it’s so exciting. Up until the very end, the show is going to continue to keep you guessing.

Speaking in a new interview on CBS This Morning, you can get a little bit of a further sense of what lies ahead from someone who knows all about it — Mandy Patinkin. While he wouldn’t give any particular spoilers as to the end of the show, he did make it very much clear that you should be prepared for an emotional conclusion. It was for him, as he and Claire Danes both choked up after filming their final scene together.

Patinkin also notes that he personally was satisfied with the ending, as it felt very much true to what he imagines this show to be. It takes a look at the importance of the intelligence community, which is certainly an important thing in difficult times like these.

We know that there are few things more challenging than creating a perfect finale, and it almost goes without saying that not everyone out there is going to like the conclusion for this show. Yet, the best thing we can hope for is something that makes sense, and hopefully something that makes us believe in the future of this country. Carrie and Saul may not be perfect people, but we do want to remember them as people who did their best.

What do you want to see when it comes to the Homeland series finale?

Are you sad that the ending for the series is almost here? Be sure to share right now in the comments! Meanwhile, remember to stick around for some more news when it comes to the series.

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