Brooklyn Nine-Nine season 7 finale: What did Jake, Amy name their baby?

Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Tonight on NBC, the Brooklyn Nine-Nine season 7 finale brought you just about everything that you could want — comedy, familiar faces, and then also the sight of Terry and Holt performing a dance routine set to “Push It.” This was weird and absurd and everything that we could want from this show.

Also, Jake rode a horse … but we don’t think that this is why you are reading this article. We just feel the need to mention it since Jake himself was so excited to bring it up.

Let’s get now to the question at the title of this article: What did Jake and Amy name their baby? We know that there have been questions aplenty about their boy, with some guesses out there being that they would be named after some meaningful people from Jake or Amy’s life … which is technically true. Yet, in the end, we’re talking here about a fictional person who served as an inspiration.

At the end of the episode — which focused on Jake trying to get back to his wife after being out on the street during a blackout — we ended up learning that the baby’s name was none other than Mac. Why? Die Hard, that’s why. This is your John McClane inspiration coming home to roost. It’s a name that feels appropriate on some level, and it’s also unique enough to stand out.

So moving forward, one of the things that we’re most excited to see is exploring more of what the world looks like with Jake and Amy as parents. The two are going to have a chance in order to explore having a busy job and a kid — meanwhile, we’re sure that Boyle is going to be involved in just about everything. Meanwhile, Holt is probably going to have a fun role to play. The dynamics at the Nine-Nine are going to be slightly different moving forward, and now … we’re just going to have to wait for precisely what the future holds.

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What did you think about the Brooklyn Nine-Nine season 7 finale overall?

Be sure to share right now in the comments! Also, be sure to stick around in the event you want some other news on the series. (Photo: NBC.)

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