NCIS: Los Angeles season 11 episode 21 video: Kensi helps out Fatima


Fatima is now officially a full-time character on NCIS: Los Angelesand with that of course comes opportunities to get to know her a little bit better. We’re understanding more of her point of view, and that includes how she’s still struggling to find a balance between what she’s been doing with the team and then also some of what she’s been up to in her day-to-day life.

In the sneak peek below from Sunday night’s new “Murder of Crows,” you can get a little bit more insight into this very subject. Fatima is seeking some advice from Kensi, who has been able to figure out how to have this job plus her marriage to Deeks and also friends. She’s even trying to look towards parenthood! In the end, Kensi does her best to encourage Fatima to find some things to do outside of the job and, if she does that, she’s going to find herself feeling happier and healthier.

For some more news when it comes to NCIS: Los Angeles in video form, be sure to watch some of the latest on Nell’s potential future below! Once you do just that, remember to also subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube and then view our series playlist. We’ll have some other news coming that you don’t want to miss.

Of course, doing this is easier said than doing, especially when you’ve gone through some pretty terrible stuff as Fatima has. Do we think that she will figure this out for herself better over time? Absolutely, but it’s going to require a lot of patience on her part. Being in a full-time role with NCIS is no easy transition, and once it starts to become your new normal, maybe then you can start to get to a point where some other things are, as well.

Related News Be sure to get some more information right now on NCIS: Los Angeles, including more scoop on this episode

What do you most want to see for Fatima moving into NCIS: Los Angeles season 11 episode 21?

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