Chicago Med season 5 spoilers: Is there hope for Ethan, April?

Chicago Med

As we get into the remaining episodes of Chicago Med season 5, it’s clear that the Ethan – April relationship is in some big trouble. The truth has come out now about April and Crockett, and that of course has led to some major trust issues. It’s also a combination of different factors that are contributing to Ethan’s emotional state — it’s the fact that it happened, but also that it was a secret from him for so long.

Also, he’s in a spot where he professionally has to work with both of them, and we cannot imagine that this is going to be altogether easy.

Yet, despite whatever Ethan may be feeling at the moment (and it’s probably a lot of hurt and pain), remember this — there is still hope. There are relationships within the world of One Chicago that have gone through tough times before, and there probably will be again. We don’t know if it can survive multiple instances of this, but with this one, maybe there is still a flickering light at the end of the tunnel … they just gotta find a way in order to get there.

In speaking more on this particular subject to TV Guide, here is some of what executive producers Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider had to say on the subject:

“Ethan and April are in a very bad place, but despite that, they both still have tremendous feelings for one another, so we wouldn’t say they’re beyond repair.”

For Ethan, his #1 priority has to be keeping a level head at work, while April has to show remorse and also try to demonstrate more her commitment to make things right. For Crockett at this point, the less he gets involved, the better. We don’t exactly think that there is a lot that he can do or say right now that is going to work in order to make things better.

Luckily, you won’t be waiting too long to get more Chicago Med. After all, there is a new installment airing on NBC tomorrow night! For more on that, be sure to visit the link here.

What do you want to see for Ethan and April coming on Chicago Med season 5?

Be sure to share right now in the comments, and also be sure to stick around for some other news on the series. (Photo: NBC.)

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