Outlander notes: Sam Heughan; Caitriona Balfe – Lauren Lyle podcast

Outlander season 5

Welcome to a new Thursday edition of Outlander notes! Of course, we come with a lot of different stuff to check out. Hopefully, some of this content will help to lift your spirits as we’re in the midst of a rather difficult stretch of time.

We know that for many, this past episode of the show was rather difficult for so many reasons. We lost Murtagh, one of the most important characters within the world of this show. In the video HERE via Sony Pictures TV, you can see Sam Heughan talk a little bit more about working with Duncan Lacroix and some of the aftermath of Murtagh’s death. This is a deeply impactful moment for Jamie in his life. It’s not going to be something that he forgets about anytime soon; it’s going to stick with him and it’s certainly informing his perspective on the British. He’s done doing anything with Tryon, and some seeds are being sewn for the Revolutionary War.

Oh, and of course it was an Emmy-worthy performance from Sam — we’ve said that for years, but this lifts it up to another level.

Lauren Lyle’s podcast is now available!

Earlier this week, we talked about Lyle was launching her She’s a Rec podcast — and that her first interview is with none other than Caitriona Balfe. You can check it out over on Apple Podcasts, and there is a chance in there to hear Caitriona talk about her career and so much more. We’re excited to see who some of Lyle’s other guests are over the course of the next few weeks.

For those wondering, there is no new episode of Outlander this weekend — the series is on a one-week break, but it is going to return come April 12 with another installment.

What do you want to see when it comes to Outlander moving forward?

Be sure to share right now in the comments below! Also, remember to stick around in the event you want some other news.

Photo: Starz

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