Doctor Who season 12 finale: Is The Doctor the Timeless Child?

Doctor Who

Entering the Doctor Who season 12 finale, we had a chance to see all sorts of surprises — including the mystery of the Timeless Child.

Was this an origin story of the Time Lords? To some extent maybe, at least in that an early explorer and scientist from Gallifrey discovered a unique child who could regenerate — she was desperate to uncover the secret behind it and with that, she eventually injected herself with the ability to do that. Gallifrey grew and expanded, and through that, most of the world started to create standards and rules for how those traveled through time and space. They became Time Lords, and there were specific rules handed down to most of them.

For some more news on Doctor Who in video form, check out more thoughts all about this episode at the bottom of this article! Once you do just that, remember to also subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube and then view our full show playlist.

Basically, the Timeless Child became the basis for the entire society at Gallifrey. As it turns out, though, the child is … The Doctor. She’s the one who was there from the beginning, and it makes some sense given that she possesses the ability to regenerate more than twelve times. It helps to explain why some of the rules do not apply to her.

Oh, and here’s another big twist to throw at you now — Brendan is also The Doctor, and what happened at the end of that timeline was the character being wiped of some of its memories and secrets.

If this wasn’t enough for you, here’s another dramatic twist that we learned at the end of this episode — The Master actually creating an army of Time Lord-like beings who possess the ability to regenerate while also inhabiting their own version of cyber armor. This is a problem … a BIG problem. Or, it could have been were it not for the fact that Ko Sharmus effectively sacrificed himself to stop The Master and his new army completely, once and for all.

No matter how you feel about this episode, we feel like you can say with certainty that this is going to be polarizing … really polarizing. The other cliffhanger is the Judoon capturing The Doctor and sentencing her to life in the end…

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What did you think about the events of the Doctor Who season 12 finale overall?

Be sure to share right now in the comments! Meanwhile, remember to stick around to get some more insight on the series. (Photo: BBC.)

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