Doctor Who season 12 episode 9 promo: The Cyber War is here
Let’s take a moment here to reflect on some of what we saw over the course of the episode here — The Doctor made a key decision when it comes to the Cyberium, and in some ways, she found herself forced to do some of what the Lone Cyberman wanted. She didn’t heed the warnings of Captain Jack perhaps in the way that she should have … but in all fairness, how many options did she really have? It felt like there were few good options that she had, and she did what she felt like she needed to in order to save the 19th century.
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The promo below for episode 9 does signal the start of the Cyber War, with the hope here being that The Doctor is going to be able to be present quickly enough to ensure that the chaos can be stopped. She knows full well just how dangerous the Cybermen are, and some of what they can do. That is at the forefront of her mind, with the same going for precisely the mystery of the Timeless Child. That has permeated the majority of the season, and we don’t think we’re going to get a full resolution on that until we get a little bit closer to the very end here.
There are two more episodes to go this season, so let’s just prepare for some head-turning surprises and some cool reveals when it comes to the central mythology of the series.
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