Hawaii Five-0 season 10 episode 14: Who drove Danny off the road?

Hawaii Five-0

Tonight’s Hawaii Five-0 season 10 episode 14 managed to deliver a powerful story over on CBS … but also a new mystery. After all, who was trying to take out Danny Williams?

In the early going of the episode, we saw Danny offer to drive a woman home who he’d met while at the bar. It was clear that they had instant chemistry and after bonding (and having a few memorable moments in the bathroom), he offered to drive her home. That’s when the two were run off the road and Danny spent most of the episode trying to save her life.

This is where things, eventually, took a rather devastating turn. The woman ends up dying before she can even tell Danny her name. Not only that, but it was a few moments before paramedics arrived in order to try to save her life. Danny’s now lost someone who could have been one of the great loves of his life — sure, it’s possible that he would have never seen her again, but you never know. It’s the ambiguity that likes makes this situation as frustrating as it is.

There wasn’t a whole lot of time spent tonight trying to look into who drove Danny off the road, but that’s because there were some other pressing matters in the episode. For those wondering, we don’t think that the woman was the target since they would’ve had to see her get into Danny’s car — an assailant could have easily gone after Danny knowing that he arrived to the bar in the vehicle. (It was still a rental.) Also, via the nature of his job, he’s likely to make many enemies. Was it just an accident? Maybe, but this show is prone to feature more than that sometimes.

No matter where things go from here (and hopefully this is addressed before long), let’s go ahead and say this: Tonight brought us one of Scott Caan’s greatest performances in ages. His heartbreak as Danny was palpable, as was his frustration and desperation in what often felt like a hopeless environment. He wanted to keep fighting so that his new potential love would do the same. Unfortunately, you can only do so much.

Related News Be sure to get some more news on the next Hawaii Five-0 episode now

What did you think about Hawaii Five-0 season 10 episode 14?

Do you think that Danny is going to get to the bottom of this mystery before too long? Be sure to share now in the comments, and also remember to stick around if you are keen to secure some other news. (Photo: CBS.)

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