‘The Amazing Race 21’: Natalie & Nadiya defend, deny ‘stealing money’

Typically following a new episode of “The Amazing Race 21” (or any other season, for that matter), we traditionally do not feel so compelled to write a post about the reaction from some of the team members. While there is always “more to the story” than what we see on TV, there is typically a reason that we are shown what we are during each episode; but even still, there were questions that rose from an incident this time around.

So did Natalie & Nadiya Anderson (and to an extent, Trey & Lexi) really do anything against the rules of the race by taking some money that belonged to Dave & Abba prior to their flight to Istanbul? For those of you wondering whether or not they received a time penalty that was not shown since it did not impact placement (which has happened in the past), Natalie had the following to say in a post on her Twitter:

“No penalty at the end of the leg means we didn’t do anything illegal #AmazingRace”

Both members of team “Twinnie” (whose name is far more effective if you shout it at the top of your lungs a few dozen times) also justify what they did by saying that there is a distinction between stealing someone’s money, which is clearly a violation of Race Rules, and taking money that another team lost. Since Mark & Abba did not know where they lost the money, and it was not in their possession, it became fair game for another team to take.

Clearly, it’s a valid argument that this is a competition for a million bucks (or two million, in the case of Abbie & Ryan), and some of the people complaining about what Natalie & Nadiya did would probably do the same thing in your situation. There is a pretty serious karmic dilemma behind it, though, and if you believe that great acts will bring great rewards, then how they handled the situation was clearly not the right way to go about it. The irony here is that there has been so much time spent talking about this online, and really it had no bearing at all in the actual conclusion of the leg.

If you were in Natalie and Nadiya’s situation, would you have handled the money issue the same way?

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