Doctor Who season 12 episode 4 promo: Is that really Nikola Tesla?
For some more news when it comes to Doctor Who in video form, be sure to check out some of our thoughts on episode 3 below! Once you do that, be sure to subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube and then also view our full show playlist.
Through “Nikola Tesla’s Night of Terror,” the central narrative is going to revolve in part around finding out what’s really happening in history. Is there an imposter Tesla running amok? The promo below definitely makes it seem as though there are some more alien creatures running amok, and what we’re going to be looking at is a combination of history and the supernatural. Some of the best episodes we’ve seen over the course of the past couple of years are the ones that bring a lot of different things to the table, and we’re certainly hoping that we get a chance to see something of that persuasion here.
If nothing else, we’ve got a great guest star in Goran Visnjic who is going to bring a lot of fun dynamics to the table! One of the things that he is so great at as a performer is finding a way to combine a lot of different emotions into what he’s doing. He’s really good at playing characters you want to believe, but at the same time ones who are harboring darker secrets or who have ambiguous motives. This is some of the core element to what he brought to Timeless, a time-travel show we’re probably going to continue missing for many years.
Here’s to hoping to an adventurous episode this weekend — and also one that hopefully gives the Companions something more than what we had through the first few episodes.
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What do you want to see when it comes to Doctor Who season 12 episode 4?
How do you think that things are going to unfold over time? Be sure to share right now in the comments, and remember to stick around for some more news when it comes to the series. (Photo: BBC.)