This Is Us season 4 episode 10 photo: A Kate, Toby relationship update

This Is Us

Entering This Is Us season 4 episode 10, we absolutely think it’s fair to worry about where things are with Kate and Toby. How can you not, considering the recent circumstances and some of what they’ve gone through? At the end of this past episode, we saw the characters going through it courtesy of what Kate accidentally saw on Toby’s phone — a message indicating that he was having a hard time being around Kate, and was leaning more on his CrossFit buddies instead of her.

Note: We don’t think the message indicates that Toby no longer loves Kate. He’s just gone through a big transformation, and because of the work he’s putting in there, he’s losing more and more relatability within his own marriage.

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Based on the photo above (via Today), though, from the January 14 installment entitled “Light & Shadows,” we do think that there’s at least some hope that this relationship can be figured out. It looks as though Toby is pleading to Kate on some level, doing her best to ask for some sort of forgiveness. If we were to guess, we’d argue that this may have a thing or two to do with what Kate saw. Maybe she decides that having a talk about it will be the thing that actually helps to push the two of them forward.

Of course, if there is still one more major concern that we’ve got beyond the contents of this particular photo, it’s this: Not knowing precisely what’s going to happen in that flash-forward. It looked like Kate was signing her last name as Pearson and, based on the flash-forwards many years down the line, we have more reasons for concern.

While we can’t say that the premiere will give us all the answers, hopefully it does set the stage on some level for all sorts of crazy stuff coming up.

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What do you most want to see for Kate and Toby on This Is Us season 4 episode 10?

Be sure to share right now in the comments! Meanwhile, be sure to also stick around to get some additional insight. (Photo: NBC.)

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