Saturday Night Live return date: Adam Driver to host, Halsey to perform


Interested in learning the Saturday Night Live return date following tonight’s new episode? If so, have no fear!

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During tonight’s Christmas episode hosted by none other than the great Eddie Murphy, it was confirmed that the NBC sketch show is going to be returning on January 25. You’re going to see Adam Driver back to host yet again, and then Halsey will be returning to perform. We’ve seen her effectively take on that role before.

As for why the show is bringing Driver back now, we imagine that it has a lot to do with a recent run of success for him. Now only is he in the midst of a great publicity tour right now for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, but he also has Marriage Story.

Based on the way in which the show tends to program new episodes, we have a feeling that we’re going to be seeing installments at some point in February, as well. Typically the show airs in batches of three, but it remains to be seen if they are going to be doing this during Super Bowl Weekend. The show’s got a somewhat-uneven pattern of doing this over the years.

We hope that at some point before Driver’s episode airs, we’ll have more on the rest of the hosting lineup. Keep your eyes peeled…

Related News Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Saturday Night Live right now!

What do you think about Adam Driver returning to SNL as a host?

Be sure to share right now in the comments, and be sure to also stick around for some other news. (Photo: NBC.)

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