Ray Donovan season 7 episode 3 sneak peek: Daryll gets questioned

Entering Ray Donovan season 7 episode 3, we know that there are some hard times coming for the Donovan family. Such is the way of this world. Yet, what makes this particular set of circumstances different is that the police are the ones sniffing around the family, and they’re actually making some headway.

As a matter of fact, they’re making headway at such a speed that Ray may need to act on it. Such a thing can be described in the sneak peek below.

Here, you can have a chance to see Detective Perry lay the gears into Daryll about where he was on that infamous November night, only for him to concoct a response like no other. It’s one that is extremely elaborate, almost as though he is proud of the yarn that he is spinning … even if this said yarn is going to spin completely out of control. We admire the commitment that he’s got to doing this, but you kinda have to think that this is going to come back to bite him. If not now, then at some point down the road.

In general, we’d argue that for season 7, much of the family is dancing on the edge of disaster. There are going to be problems aplenty surrounding Mickey coming up, which makes a good bit of sense given what happened back in the premiere. Remember that therapy that Ray was getting in the early days? Well, that’s going to prove to be either the thing that saves him, or the thing that he misses later on down the road. We’re not sure he will have a whole lot of time for self-reflection in the middle of some of the stuff that he has to deal with moving forward.

What do you want to see when it comes to Ray Donovan season 7 episode 3?

How fast do you think that parts of Ray’s world are going to unravel? Be sure to share right now in the comments, and be sure to stick around for some other news.

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