‘Bones’ season 8 spoilers: A look at a (possible) shocking death

If you are like us, then you’re probably going through some pretty serious “Bones” withdrawals at the moment. After all, the show has been off the air for weeks now thanks to the MLB playoffs, and even though it will be coming back now in just six days, we are not at falling-out-of-your-chair levels of anticipation now.

So could hearing about something rather gory help to ease your cravings? As strange as that may seem, it is precisely what we have for you now courtesy of executive producers Hart Hanson and Stephen Nathan. In a new chapter of “Breakfast with Bones,” the two open up about some of the grisly deaths that are going to be coming up. Admittedly, there are not too many ways for them to really kill anyone at this point given that the show is over 150 episodes in, and they want to ensure that there is still some element of realism here rather than just things completely over the top. One suggestion that they come up with? Having brains crawl out of someone’s eye socket. (Brains. Brains….)

As for what else is coming up on the show, expect to see a case themed around the squinterns, Booth and Brennan getting a new roommate after a breakup involving some of their fellow employees, and a race to stop some people famous for cleaning up crime scenes in a short amount of time. There still is plenty of story coming up, and thanks to baseball, there is also still plenty of episodes.

What do you wan to see happen on the show moving forward this season?

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