‘The X Factor’ USA rankings: Is CeCe Frey or Willie Jones Demi Lovato’s top act?
For our second edition of “The X Factor” rankings leading up to the first live show , we are focusing more on a group of people led by Demi Lovato in the young adults. This is a pretty fascinating group, and to us it really comes down to one question: is being easy to relate to more important than being the most talented? America is going to be voting for these people, and the interesting thing is that some people who are pop stars now may have not actually done well on reality shows, since they don’t always have the sort of story that makes you go “aww” or “how cute.”
As we said yesterday, we’re really basing our rankings mostly on performance level, but also are considering long-term viability, show edit, and whether their judge /mentor (who is picking the three acts they want to move forward with) can get voters to really behind this particular artist.
4. Paige Thomas – We had a very hard time with this ranking, probably more so than we will for any other category even. Why? Paige is a great singer, but the issue with her is that she doesn’t really pop off the screen, and thus we fear that she would get lost in the competition as the weeks progress. It’s possible that Demi could keep her as a safe choice, but at most we see her as a middle-of-the-pack finisher.
3. Jennel Garcia – Jennel’s first audition was awesome; it was like listening to an early nineties rock music video with the volume up to the max. Our issue is that we’re not sure that she has risen to that level since, and she’s also shown a bit of insecurity here and there. With her, it’s really going to come down to finding the right song for her more than anything else.
2. Willie Jones – Willie is easily going to be the people’s champion, which is why he’s a good pick for Demi in that he could make the final six or so without really stretching himself too much beyond what he is. There is some genuine talent here, and although he is not the best male singer in this competition, he brings a unique quality that almost always attracts viewers.
1. CeCe Frey – Now, we’re going out on a limb. CeCe’s biggest problem is that reality TV culture has almost been set up so that being confident in yourself is almost frowned upon versus showing vulnerability, and some people have found her to be off-putting. But this is a talent competition, and unless CeCe is complaining constantly about the show or doing something horrible (which she’s not), we have to think that talent will prevail. More so than any other singer in the competition this year CeCe has the makings to be a true pop star; heck, her rendition of “Sexy and I Know It” has to be in the top 3 for the whole season so far. Plus, the blond look now makes her look a little bit like a sci-fi version of Dany from “Game of Thrones.”
Who is your favorite from this category?
November 8, 2012 @ 10:32 pm
All the women with the exception of Carly Rose and Paige and a couple of others (Not CeCe) she need to be singing country) need to stop copying licks from “soul singers” and find out who they really are. They all do the same old tired “You Tube” learned runs to sound “soulful”. This is why country music artisits like Scotty can win. If you are culturally “country” sing country! If you are culturally Latino, find your own style instead of trying to sound like Black girls and doing off beat grinds to look sexy (Jenell). If you cannot sing a damn run – just sing good – from your heart!!
Most of the people who like CeCe are probably like her- those are the hardest grey/blue eyes I have ever seen! No life. Willie Jones needed to go and find out who he “REALLY” is.
November 3, 2012 @ 3:34 pm
They should let Ce Ce be herself…and not try to stifle her creativity…nothing wrong with being confident and she has the talent to back it up…
Demi…please let her have her hair color back and try encouraging and supporting her creativity instead of changing it to suit what you think is best…
Would love to have Ce Ce sing “Broken” by No Doubt… because I’m sure that is how she feels with all these people pushing and shoving her into the direction they want her to take rather then just letting her be herself…
November 3, 2012 @ 3:14 am
November 3, 2012 @ 3:07 am
November 3, 2012 @ 2:59 am
Willie was easily going to be the people’s champion, he should have made the final 12 without really stretching himself too much… , he brings a unique quality that almost always attracts viewers…BRING WILLIE JONES BACK…cece ad paige should have been gone…..
Pro Studio Musician
November 2, 2012 @ 10:48 pm
I think it will come down to jennel and Cece and I am pretty dam sure Cece will up her game and take the win.
November 2, 2012 @ 2:01 pm
Paige: So over the endless crying to get sympathy votes. I do not enjoy her voice- I think she has the weakest voice, fake on screen personality, and she’s a tryhard.
Jennel: Blah blah. Same ol’ personality, below-average looks and bodies (C’mon this is the music industry we’re talking about here)
Willie : Well, no comment, coz he just got eliminated.
November 2, 2012 @ 12:35 pm
i love CeCe she´s got a big talent and she´s best singer in category young adults…
November 2, 2012 @ 10:50 am
Cece. Now the show is on and its every man for himself. The people are going to vote. Listen to what Simon said in your last performance. “THis is why we liked you”. Show your vocals, be yourself and don’t change. Be sassy with some attitude. That is why we fell in love with you the first time and forget the haters. They are not the one competing. You can win it. Sing Lady Marmalade like Christina Aquilera would sing it and you got a winner. CeceFy your songs. That is what makes you original. Sell yourself. Luv you :))
November 1, 2012 @ 8:24 pm
I do not like CeCe at all ! Yes, she is talented, but when you have a nasty attitude and think that you are better than others no one cares about that talent. I like Paige. She is has the talent of a a 2012 and future artist has. No one wants to see a singer that stands there and doesn’t move. Personally, I believe Willie is talented. He can sing country AND R&B and not many people people can do that. I see alot of CeCe’s and Jennel’s there is nothing unique or special about them.
October 31, 2012 @ 10:50 pm
Please stop changing Cece Frey. Demi leave her be, let her herself! Her confidence, her dedication, her talent, her looks, even her leppard spots, love it all, please be yourself Cece, dont let them change you.
Anthony Rienzo
October 30, 2012 @ 7:23 am
I don’t understand why people are focusing on the singer’s personal life and attitude. This competetion is about talent, the word competetion has NOTHING to do with anything outside of its boundaries, and since attitude doesn’t make you sing any worse or better, it should be insignifigant in terms of this discussion / voting for this competetion. For the said reasons, based of talent, I do think CeCe Frey’s got that pop star quality. She’s an amazing singer and I’ve listened to her version of Sexy and I know It at least ten times today, and she only sings for about 59 seconds for that song!
Bottom line is: I don’t think we should be judging these people based of their attitutude, personalities, or anything else in between. And that also means that America shouldn’t be emotional saps for “poor” Paige Thomas. She has amazing talent too, but she’s really overemotional. Anyway, my thing with Paige Thomas is that she doesn’t have control over her vocal talents just yet, and that’s why I’m centering my support to Cece. Anyway, that’s my two scence. Take it for what you will.
./end rant
October 29, 2012 @ 7:41 pm
CeCe is sexy and has great talent! I vote for her all the way!
October 29, 2012 @ 11:15 am
cece will win it and if she doesn’t, it bodes down to the haters who would waste their vote because they’re too blind to see a talented artist. She will be bigger than any artist of today. She has it all, very determined to succeed. Not a lot of people have it
October 29, 2012 @ 9:21 am
X factor is trying to make Cece look bad. She is ambitious, but remember people, she’s still like everyone else who are trying to win. She just is honest and isn’t hiding it like paige. Get past the personality too and just watch the talent. Jennel and Cece are miles ahead of willie and paige. I’m sorry I can’t stand willie, he has no impressive range.
October 29, 2012 @ 6:46 am
Jennel is the best in Demi’s group, she has the voice, talent and personality to go all the way.
October 29, 2012 @ 5:01 am
Willie jones is the winner for,he will go all the way,till the end of this season,x factor is searching for a whole package and that is Willie jones,he will learn more from Miss lovato,as they have both a humble person.
October 29, 2012 @ 3:30 am
Sorry – wouldn’t be in the comp now.
October 29, 2012 @ 3:29 am
How you can say Cece is talented is beyond me. Two words: “Unchained Melody”! It was like listening to fingernails down a blackboard. It this was being judged on voice alone (which obviously it isn’t) she would be in the comp now. My gauge is always “Would I pay good money to see this live?” NO!
October 29, 2012 @ 2:12 am
Jennel Garcia all the way!
October 29, 2012 @ 12:01 am
CeCe turned me off initially being so obnoxious. Now the show has coaxed her to tone it down, be more likable and vulnerable but it’s too late for me–I saw her true colors during the auditions and this new facade is not working to change my opinion of her.
I like Paige Thomas and want to see her overcome her insecurities, get her A-game on and do great in the competition. She is a nice gal–come on Paige, I’m pulling for ya!
October 28, 2012 @ 10:58 pm
I think cece is the best! I like her as a person at least
she is not fake! And unless you god or his lovely son jesus
don’t you dare judging others! She is so freaking beautiful
she sings like an angel and she has a great heart!
Demi was being awesome for picking a talent over a
sob story!!! Thank you Demi for given a true talent a chance!
October 28, 2012 @ 5:59 pm
ce ce will end up going home,rude,conceded,you can be secure without hurting other people.i hope she doesnt make it.Demi was right on the money,not likeable at times,people get turned off with that behavior.
Tamia Crockett
October 28, 2012 @ 1:37 pm
Personally I think CeCe’s attitude is amazing! She reminds me of myself: ambitious but still can be vulnerable. I hope she wins because I’m ready to buy her album on iTunes!!