Grey’s Anatomy season 16 episode 6 spoilers: The Halloween special!
Think about it this way — Jackson’s going to be dealing with a kid in the hospital, Teddy will be taking on personal pressures, and Meredith will have one of the most relatable Halloween struggles for any parent out there. For a kid, celebrating Halloween is as simple as putting on a costume and going out on the street. For everyone else, though, it’s a little bit more complicated than that.
Want a few more details all about what you can expect? Then be sure to check out the full Grey’s Anatomy season 16 episode 6 synopsis that CarterMatt has for you below:
Alex is hoping to impress investors at Pac-Gen North, but when he hears disturbing news about skeletons on the construction site grounds, he enlists Richard to help with distraction tactics. Teddy feels the pressure to be super-mom after tasking herself with creating original Halloween costumes for Allison and Leo, while Meredith fears she won’t make it home in time for trick-or-treating with her kids. Elsewhere, Jackson tends to a pediatric patient who is upset she is spending her Halloween in a hospital.
For some more news when it comes to Grey’s Anatomy in video form, check out our thoughts on this past episode below! Once you do that, be sure to subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube and then check out our Grey’s Anatomy playlist for some more scoop.
What is perhaps the most interesting part of this story is learning that Alex and Richard are still going to be at Pac-Gen North at this point in the story. It would’ve been easy to assume that they would be gravitating back to the Grey Sloan at this point, but clearly the writers want to do whatever they can in order to let this twist play out! Who knows? Maybe it will make it all the way until we get around to the winter finale…
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