NCIS season 17: Is anything stopping Ziva – Tony reunion?
At the end of Tuesday night’s new episode “Into the Light,” it appeared as though Ziva David had found much of the closure that she’s been looking to obtain for a good while now. Think about it — Sahar is now dead, and it seems as though she made sure that Interpol seized a lot of the assets that were transferred her way. In that sense, she should be able to breathe a little bit easier.
Yet, is it all over now? It doesn’t quite feel that way, given that Ziva has remained under the radar for a long time, and I have a hard time imagining that Sahar and a couple of goons are the only people standing in her way of seeing Tony and her daughter again. Also, if everything was tied up at the end of “Into the Light,” why wait on a Tiva reunion? Beyond just Michael Weatherly’s availability, there has to be another reason behind putting a part of this story in a holding pattern.
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Odds are, there are more twists and turns that we’re going to learn about … but we won’t quite learn about them right away. On Tuesday’s episode, we may learn a few more things as to what Ziva is up to. In refusing to speak with Tony in front of the NCIS team, it suggests that Ziva knows that she’ll be reuniting with him before long and wants to have a proper, in-person conversation; or, it suggests that maybe Tony is roped into what she’s doing next more than anyone knows and he will be helping her from afar so that eventually, the two can get back together. Judging from how little she’s been willing to disclose about Tony, it still feels like something more is going on here.
So if Tony did know more about Ziva’s whereabouts, why didn’t he open up to the rest of the team? The simplest answer is that she may not have wanted him to in fear of how it could put them in danger. There’s still more to be uncovered when it comes to the Tony / Ziva timeline of things; it doesn’t sound like they’re constantly keeping up with each other, but Tony loves Ziva. It’s possible that he’s done a lot more digging for her than Gibbs has. That’s not a slam on Gibbs in so much as a recognition that everyone handles loss and grief differently.
Related News – Check out more thoughts on what’s coming on Tuesday’s NCIS episode!
Do you think anything is keeping us from a Tony – Ziva reunion on NCIS season 17?
Be sure to share right now in the comments, and remember to stick around for some other news. (Photo: CBS.)