‘Once Upon a Time’ season 2 spoilers: Want to Regina go insane?
Who knew that magic could work in many ways like a drug? This is what we are going to learn in a pretty interesting way on Sunday night’s new episode of “Once Upon a Time,” as we slowly watch Lana Parrilla’s character of the Evil Queen start to slowly unravel over her choice to try and wean herself off of the stuff in an effort to win back Henry. This was not a feeling that she had when magic was not readily available to her, but now that she is making a conscious choice to not use it, it is weighing heavily on her.
With this in mind, the following comments from Lana Parrilla to TV Guide are put in an even greater perspective, as the actress explains the sort of confusion that for her comes along with the fact that during “The Doctor,” she starts to see hallucinations of someone who looks very much like the stable boy she once loved in Daniel:
“A part of her thinks, ‘Is that a ghost? Is that him? That can’t be him! What the hell is he doing in Storybrooke? I know he’s dead!’ She saw her mother crush his heart. The minute you crush a heart, that’s it, there’s no bringing him back. She’s terrified. She doesn’t know if she’s losing her mind. It’s a time when she just keeps losing everything, from Henry to magic to power to now the curse has been broken. Maybe she’s just on the verge of snapping, so that scares her.”
This pain is going to be something that Regina is going to have to manage for a while, and perhaps the biggest thing that she needs at the moment is something that is not readily accessibly to her: a means to escape. She has very few people she can talk to, and she also has no future love interests lined up to diver her mind.
Do you think we will ever see Regina find any sort of balance in her life?