Shameless season 10 spoilers: Could an Ian & Mickey wedding happen?
When you think about these two characters, the biggest takeaway is rather simple: They’ve gone through a lot. A LOT. The two have experienced heartbreak, pain, and now jail time. They’ll be dealing with the latter more so than anything when the new season begins a little bit later this fall. There are some benefits that could come from those close quarters, as it will force the two characters, perhaps, to talk about their feelings in a way that they haven’t to date. They will get closer, but they will also face some more obstacles.
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Eventually, though, it could be a conversation about a wedding that generates the most discussion! Speaking via TVLine, here is what executive producer John Wells had to say on the subject:
“I think part of what happens now for gay couples is you have to decide whether you’re going to get married or not … You didn’t use to have to decide that. So there’s great joy in the fact that you now have that right and opportunity, and also, ‘Uh oh. I don’t have the excuse anymore about how we’re going to create a committed relationship.’
I know that I’d love to see a Gallavich wedding at some point over the course of the next season, as least so long as the show takes its time in order to deliver some great stuff. There is so much ground to still explore when it comes to the relationship between the two — think in terms of where they stand, what they’ve been through, and how they are going to be able to handle being behind bars together. They could have to deal with stress, claustrophobia, and then also potential homophobia that could exist within those prison walls. If they could make it through, they could be happy — of course, in the signature, dysfunctional Shameless way.
Related News – Be sure to vote for Gallavich in our ‘Shiptober article series
Are you rooting for some sort of Ian – Mickey wedding on Shameless season 10?
Be sure to share right now in the comments, and remember to stick around for some other news. (Photo: Showtime.)