Saturday Night Live: Maya Rudolph as Kamala Harris; Woody Harrelson as Joe Biden!

Saturday Night Live

Tonight’s new episode of Saturday Night Live was hosted by Woody Harrelson, a man with a lot of experience in front of the camera on this show. He’s hosted the show a number of times already, and he has a good rapport to the audience.

But, does that mean we’re going to get a great episode? That remains to be seen, but we’ll have highlights throughout the night. Keep refreshing the page for more scoop!

Interested in some other news on Saturday Night Live in video form? Then check out the latest that we’ve got from the series below! After you watch, be sure to subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube and then also view our show playlist. We’ll have more coverage coming after every new episode!

Following the cold open featuring Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani, we then moved into Woody Harrelson doing his monologue … and then Harrelson playing Joe Biden! The show did a Town Hall debate that was all about President Trump’s potential impeachment, and that led to a number of different impersonations. We’ve been wanting to see Maya Rudolph as Kamala Harris for some time, and she delivered! Meanwhile, we also had a chance to see the return of Larry David as Bernie Sanders, who continued to be as strange and off-kilter as possible. (The best part of this sketch? Seeing Rudolph’s Harris proclaim herself to be the Corn Pop in Biden’s story.)

As for some other sketches on the night…

World’s Largest Cheeto – Why did we get this? Why did it matter? Also, who else wants to eat a bag of Cheetos after this?

Weekend Update – We had jokes about impeachment, candidates, and so much more. Of course, we also had the return of Kenan Thompson as David Ortiz. this entire impression is some ridiculous, including the weird cross-promotion and more. (It still was a shockingly short Weekend Update.)

Inspired Speech – Just in case you needed a Friday Night Lights spoof that was about someone who had some sort of interesting problem going on with you-know-what, this was the sketch for you.

Beyond the Beltway – Yea, this is going to be memorable just because of Aidy Bryant having a costume mishap in the middle of it.

Dad – SNL is clearly still all about trying to find a way to do some of these weird Kyle Mooney mixtapes, even if not all of them really work. At least the musical parts of this ended up working.

Apple Picking – What was this? It was a weird ending to a weird sketch, one, that had some technical issues but also some weird comedy from start to finish.

Overall, this was a show that had some high highs … but also some weird lows and some super-weird glitches that kept it from being anywhere near the show that it could be.

Related News Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Saturday Night Live right now

What did you think about tonight’s new episode of SNL hosted by Woody Harrelson? Be sure to share right now in the comments, and stick around for some more news. (Photo: NBC.)

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