Blue Bloods season 10 premiere spoilers: More on Jamie, Eddie’s story

Blue Bloods season 10

Moving into the Blue Bloods season 10 premiere, the Jamie – Eddie wedding looks to be in the rear-view mirror. Because of that, what more stories are there to tell for Will Estes and vanessa Ray’s characters?

Well, rest assured — the tale of these two Reagans is far from over! There are a lot of different missions and obstacles that they will take on, with one of the biggest ones being the simple notion of finding a place to live. On the surface, finding an apartment for two people on police salaries feels like a nightmare — after all, New York City is an expensive place to be! Yet, it seems like they could have an enticing offer coming their way … but it may lie within a moral (and potentially legal) gray area.

Speaking via TVInsider, executive producer Kevin Wade notes that the two may be offered a possible discount “based on what their name is and what their jobs are.” Our guess is simply this — if you have two cops who are a part of the Reagan family in your building, odds are it’ll make the place a little bit safer. If nothing else, it’s something that could be boasted about (even in a morally-complicated manner of its own) to other possible tenants.

As for the workplace situation that the newly-married couple face, it’s tricky — they are two married cops working together at the same precinct. It may not be the most encouraged thing in the world, but the characters, per Wade, will “offer their commanding officer some options” as to how to dance around any policies in place. Whether or not they are successful remains to be seen, but we think that Blue Bloods is going to want to continue to have the two characters together. After all, isn’t that the thing that makes the most sense?

What do you want to see on the Blue Bloods season 10 premiere?

Be sure to share in the comments, and remember to stick around to get some other information on the premiere.

(Photo: CBS.)

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