Succession season 2 episode 5 preview: Chaos at a retreat
Below, CarterMatt offers up the official Succession season 2 episode 5 synopsis with some more information on what lies ahead:
Logan attempts to solidify his buyout of PGM at a weekend retreat at the Pierce family home; Shiv, Roman and Connor veer from their carefully orchestrated roles; the Pierces question whether an alliance with Waystar Royco will tarnish their legacy.
We’ll admit entering this episode that it doesn’t really matter one way or another if Logan is victorious in its quest. What matters more is the panic, the freakouts, and the family somehow wondering whether or not they can continue to make themselves these legends of business. In reality, though, they’re mostly broken humans whose opulence distorts any perception that they have of the world or any of the people who are in it.
Above all else, we’ll say that our real hope is that Succession manages to bring the same bite to the table moving forward that it had through most of tonight’s new episode. After all, this may take the cake for one of the most bonkers installments that we’ve seen — we know that this show is not technically a comedy, but we’d be lying if we were to pretend that it wasn’t hilarious. These characters are all for the most part unlikable; yet, it remains every bit as enthralling as ever.
Related News – Be sure to get some more information Succession right now, including details about other episodes!
What do you want to see when it comes to Succession season 2 episode 5?
Be sure to share right now in the comments, and be sure to stick around in the event you want some other information. We’ll be lining up more of what’s coming in the weeks ahead. (Photo: HBO.)